Prevalence of developmental dyslexia in Spanish: a meta-analysis

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Daniel Cubilla-Bonnetier


Reading learning disorder, or developmental dyslexia, is a chronic, neurobiological, inherited learning difficulty. Its prevalence varies depending on the orthographic transparency of the language, but also between studies with a population of the same language, so we carried out a meta-analysis of prevalence in Spanish.

After reviewing Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Google Scholar with the term "prevalence", combined with "dyslexia", "reading" or "learning disorder" and its Spanish translation and applying the exclusion criteria, 16 entries were retained.

The results show an estimated prevalence of developmental dyslexia of 7.52% [5.17%; 10.91%] (p < 0.001), higher in the male sex, and a high heterogeneity not explained by any of the moderating variables studied.

We reflect on the results of the meta-analysis and the absence of moderating variables that explain the heterogeneity of the prevalence reported in different contexts.

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How to Cite
Prevalence of developmental dyslexia in Spanish: a meta-analysis. (2024). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(3), 1-13.

How to Cite

Prevalence of developmental dyslexia in Spanish: a meta-analysis. (2024). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(3), 1-13.


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