Psychometric Properties of a Peruvian Translation of the Valuing Questionnaire (P-VQ): An Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling Approach

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Alvaro Okumura-Clark
Ángel Christopher Zegarra-López


Values-based behavior is a highly studied concept and presents difficulty assessment within the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy’s framework. As a result, the present study sought to psychometrically adapt the P-VQ in a sample of 368 adults, as it was a preliminary proposal. Validity evidence based on test content (analysis of representativeness of each item) and based on the relationship with other variables (concurrent, divergent, and incremental validity) were obtained satisfactorily. Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling analyses supported evidence in favor of a two-dimensional latent structure with a better fit compared to previous Confirmatory Factor Analysis proposals. Reliability analysis (Alpha and Omega) demonstrated significant degrees of internal consistency. The invariance of the measurement (configurational, metric, scalar, and strict) regarding gender was obtained as evidence of equity. In conclusion, P-VQ demonstrated excellent psychometric properties with respect to validity, reliability, and fairness.

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How to Cite
Psychometric Properties of a Peruvian Translation of the Valuing Questionnaire (P-VQ): An Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling Approach. (2023). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(3), 56-71.
Technical or Methodological Articles

How to Cite

Psychometric Properties of a Peruvian Translation of the Valuing Questionnaire (P-VQ): An Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling Approach. (2023). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(3), 56-71.


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