Blocking and stimulus modality in CEE: difficulties in teaching with pictograms

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Joaquin Menendez
Manuel Correa Freisztav
Delfina Valentini
Federico Sanchez
Iair Embon
Nicolas Rodriguez Arriagada
Alberto Iorio


It has been observed that the use of pictures interferes when teaching novel words. We sought to extend these results to Stimulus Equivalence Classes (SEC), investigating whether the blocking effect occurs differentially according to the modality of the blocked stimulus (i.e. pictorial or pseudo-lexical). Ten university students were trained, by matching to sample, in four SEC (two of pseudo-lexical modality and two of pictorial modality). A blocking procedure was applied during the same training. Emergence of derived relationships for each element of the compound stimuli was separately evaluated. A greater blocking effect was observed whenever the blocking stimulus X was of pseudo-lexical modality. Results are discussed regarding associative theories, as well as its implications in the development of pedagogical practices. The results observed discourage the use of images in compound stimuli for the teaching of novel words

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How to Cite
Blocking and stimulus modality in CEE: difficulties in teaching with pictograms. (2019). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 11(2), 10-22.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Joaquin Menendez, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en psicología, UBA. Docente de métodos psicofisiologicos, facultad de psicología, UBA. Becario Fulbright Becar.

Manuel Correa Freisztav, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Estudiante de psicologia, UBA. Ayudante alumno en Neurofisiología Cátedra II. Becario estímulo UBACyT. Pasante en Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (IByME)

Delfina Valentini, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Estudiante de psicologia, UBA. Colaborador alumno en Neurofisiología Cátedra II.

Federico Sanchez, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Psicología, UBA. Doctorando en Psicología, UBA. Docente de Neurofisiología cátedra II.

Iair Embon, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Estudiante de psicologia, UBA. Ayudante de segunda en Neurofisiología Cátedra II. Becario estímulo CIN.

Nicolas Rodriguez Arriagada, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Estudiante de Psicologia, UBA. Ayudante de segunda en Métodos Psicofisiologicos, UBA. Pasante en análisis de datos – LPEN, INECO-INCYT (2017 – presente).

Alberto Iorio, Universidad de Buenos Aires ; Laboratorio de Biología del Comportamiento, IByME CONICET

Doctor en Medicina, UBA. Profesor Titular de Neurofisiología cátedra II, UBA. Profesor Titular de Métodos Psicofisiologicos, UBA. Jefe de Servicio Neurofisiología Clínica. Hospital J.A.Fernández GCABA. Grupo de Neurociencias en Humanos - Laboratorio de Biología del Comportamiento, IByME CONICET.

How to Cite

Blocking and stimulus modality in CEE: difficulties in teaching with pictograms. (2019). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 11(2), 10-22.


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