The Professionalization and Institutionalization of History of Psychology as a Specialty in the United States of America: influences from the History

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Catriel Fierro


From a historical-sociological model, the consolidation and professionalization of the History of Psychology is analyzed in the context of the disciplinary emergence of the History of the Behavioral Sciences in the United States. From a historical methodological perspective, the historiographical model of Edwin Boring, rooted in experimentalism, is described first. The recensions of the field made around 1960 by Robert Watson and Robert Young are then described. The major professional and institutional developments of the field are summarized, emphasizing the Summer Institutes in the History of Psychology. The weighting of these training developments reveals their centrality to both the professionalization of the field and to the incorporation of extra-disciplinary influences from historiography, sociology and philosophy of science, especially into social or sociological history of psychology. It is concluded that the professionalization was powered largely by these instances and their protagonists.

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The Professionalization and Institutionalization of History of Psychology as a Specialty in the United States of America: influences from the History. (2016). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 8(2), 67-92.
Original Articles
Author Biography

Catriel Fierro, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Psicología

Licenciado en Psicología (Graduado sobresaliente, UNMDP).

Becario Interno Doctoral CONICET.

Becario Estudiante Avanzado por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata en la Licenciatura en Psicología, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (2014-2015).

Becario de Investigación por el Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (2013-2014)

Docente alumno en cátedra "Historia social de la Psicologia" (2011-actualidad).

Adscripto a docencia en cátedras "Epistemología de la Psicología" (2013-actualidad)

Integrante del grupo de Investigación "Historia, Enseñanza y Profesionalización de la Psicología en los Países del Cono Sur de América", en proyecto "Formación de Psicólogos. Enseñanza de la historia de la psicología y estudio de áreas de vacancia”. 

How to Cite

The Professionalization and Institutionalization of History of Psychology as a Specialty in the United States of America: influences from the History. (2016). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 8(2), 67-92.


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