Motivations and Obstacles to the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technology in SMEs in the Province of Santa Fe


  • Hollman León Torres Instituto de Industria (IDEI), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Sonia Roitter
  • Rodrigo Carmona Instituto del Conurbano (ICO), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Matías Calvo Crende Instituto del Conurbano (ICO), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Ruben Ascúa Universidad Nacional de Rafaela
  • Andrea Minetti Universidad Nacional de Rafaela



Digitization, Industry 4.0, SMEs, Digital transformation, Competitive advantages


The processes of digitization and the integration of new technologies associated with Industry 4.0 within companies are considered key elements in generating their competitive advantages. Various factors influence the selection processes of these technologies, alongside multiple motivations and obstacles encountered in tackling this challenge. This study aims to understand the incorporation process of these technologies within companies in Santa Fe´s province. It draws upon data collected through the "Santa Fe Digital Transformation R&D" program, conducted in collaboration with the National University of Rafaela in 2022. Employing a quantitative methodology, indicators are devised to assess the level of technological adoption, motivations, and obstacles encountered. The analysis explores the relationship between different dimensions associated with the digitization process and variables such as the sector and size of companies, employing chi-square tests and standardized normalized residuals. Findings suggest that SMEs are motivated to adopt 4.0 technologies to achieve cost savings, enhance relationships with clients and suppliers, and improve their processes. However, they face challenges concerning financial capacity, the availability of human resources, and infrastructural deficiencies that constrain the adoption of these technologies.


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How to Cite

Motivations and Obstacles to the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technology in SMEs in the Province of Santa Fe. (2024). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 12(1), 77-99.