Plagiarism Policy

Intersticios magazine, in accordance with its code of ethics, will not publish any article in which plagiarism, self-plagiarism and/or any other type of fraud is identified.

Plagiarism implies presenting and copying other people's ideas, claiming them as one's own, that is, without properly citing the source. This can occur either by adopting concepts or categories without using the appropriate quotation marks or distinction; giving erroneous information about the source of a quotation; paraphrasing without proper acknowledgment; or over-doing it. Other similar practices may involve some form of plagiarism. 

Self-plagiarism involves the total or partial multiplication of publications by the same author without proper citation. It will not be considered self-plagiarism the reformulation of ongoing research, nor the publication of works presented in papers and/or conferences.

Mechanisms for the identification of plagiarism

In order to reliably identify any of these practices, every article that enters our portal will be thoroughly reviewed by our Editorial Committee, following our ethical principles. The evaluation mechanism consists of searching for coincidences in every second paragraph in Google and Google Scholar. This search engine, given its characteristics, enables a deep and fine evaluation of the works that quickly contrasts with the content on the network.

At the same time, also following our code of ethics, the evaluators are committed to report in case of identifying any resemblance or similarity between works.

Procedures and sanctions

The journal Intersticios considers any of these practices as serious scientific misconduct. Therefore, if any of these practices are identified, a procedure will be immediately applied that consists, first, in informing the entire team that makes up the journal in search of opinions about the case; secondly, the authors will be sent the evidence of the identified fraudulent practice with the corresponding rejection of publication. Finally, the author will be sanctioned by being banned from republishing in the journal and, at the same time, the platform where the work was originally published will be informed.

*Based on the plagiarism policies of Revista Artilugio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.