Indigenous mobilization, political subjectivation and ethnicity. The immediate effects of the "Peace Malon" among the Salta Kollas of Tinkunaku


  • Andrea Ivanna Gigena Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


subjectivation processes, indigenous mobilization, Peace Malon, Tinkunaku


The article analyzes the events after the "Malón de la Paz" (one of the most important social protest in the history of indigenous political practices of organization in Argentinian nation-state) between kollas members of TINKUNAKU from Salta.

The aim is to show how, after dilution of the claim, the process of indigenous mobilization is channeled in a single direction subjectivity:the incorporation of the popular sectors to the national-popular matrix as citizens, depriving them of their indigenous identity.


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How to Cite

Gigena, A. I. (2015). Indigenous mobilization, political subjectivation and ethnicity. The immediate effects of the "Peace Malon" among the Salta Kollas of Tinkunaku. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 4(7), 51–62. Retrieved from