Ana Mendieta birdoftheocean


  • Debora Chazarreta Universidad Nacional de Catamarca
  • Romina Irene Rios Universidad Nacional de Catamarca


Ana Mendieta, art-situated thought, interspecies feminism, afrocentrism


Through the work “birdoftheocean”, Karina Bidaseca invites us to learn about the “feminist and cuir cultural, political and artistic legacy” (2021: 10) of the Cuban artist Ana Mendieta. This book allows us to walk through the story of her life captured in different works and performances, where her body-territory expresses the oppressions of racism, sexism, classism, exile and uprooting; but from which he manages to transmute that pain and become a bird of the ocean. The text, crossed by different categories such as art, feminism, intersectionality, colonialism, allows us to understand the importance of the figure of Ana and the traces of her work in feminism.


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Author Biographies

Debora Chazarreta , Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

Prof. in History. Specialized in Public Policies on Gender and Gender Violence. Faculty of Humanities. National University of Catamarca.

Romina Irene Rios, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

B.A. in Political Science UNLaR. Specialized in Public Policies on Gender and Gender Violence. Researcher in the Project Patriarchal-colonial Violence and social resistance, from a situated geopolitical perspective. Faculty of Humanities. National University of Catamarca.


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How to Cite

Chazarreta , D., & Rios, R. I. (2023). Ana Mendieta birdoftheocean. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 12(24), 227–240. Retrieved from