The inaudible voices of violence: Contributions from the critical epistemology to analyzing the construction of punished masculinities


  • Celina Devoto Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


Epistemological Criticism, Violence, Gender, Masculinities


This work aims to gather theoretical contributions from the critical epistemology in the way of thinking about violence present in social relationships. Introducing the different actors envolved in my field of study, I attempt to elucidate which forms of knowledge production underlie the judicialization of conflicts, by watching what are the terms elaborated in this contexts linked to, and how this words are used by the people who inhabbit this web of relationships. At this point, I`ll focus on the speeches of the state punitive institutions in Río Negro province, as well as those of the people to whom the security policies are intended. At the same time, I propose a reflective work questioning the roles I play in this dynamic. The epistemological question tends to strengthen new channels for boarding punished masculinities, which is the objetive that guides my research concerns. For this purpose, I beggin by considering gender as a way of ordering social practice, which is as well engaged with other differential axes. Therefore, thinking about punished masculinities requires to take into an account the sexual difference, but also those signed by the social class, etnicity and age, among other factors. In Bariloche, this framework has a particular shape that is linked to social and historical processes that I give importance to, in order to understand the way in which social relations are structured nowadays. In this context, I understand that this intersections generate types of knowledge construction that traverse our way of elaborating and exchanging knowledges. Based on  different theorical productions, I attempt to deepen in the patriarchial and androcentric logic present in the cientific and legal language that, pretending to be neutral, operates hiding the power relationships that hold such knowledge exchange.


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How to Cite

Devoto, C. (2023). The inaudible voices of violence: Contributions from the critical epistemology to analyzing the construction of punished masculinities. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 12(23). Retrieved from