René Zavaleta market versus the "Dependency theory": some questions around the notion of dependent determination and the primordial form


  • Diego Martín Giller Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Dependency theory, apparent state, variegated formation, dependent determination, primordial form


The present article pretend to recover an unexplored aspect of the long and intense work of the bolivian intellectual René Zavaleta Mercado (1937-1984). We refer to his reflections on development and dependency. In this sense, it has a double objective: (1) rescue their contributions around the development and dependency, and (2) identify the differents positions that he has adopted regarding these problems. The main hypothesis of this work says that Zavaleta’s inquiries are crossed by an "invariante" concern: the problem of the nation. Derived from the above, the second hypothesis maintain that through such "invariante" Zavaleta could note a problematic core  which the dependency theory did not get to develop: the problem of the state. In function of that, his main contributions will be analyzed through the concepts of Estado "aparente", "formación abigarrada", "determinación dependiente" and "forma primordial".


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Author Biography

Diego Martín Giller, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Dr. en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Mg. en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales por la UBA. Investigador del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación “Floreal Gorini” y del Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (IEALC), Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA.



How to Cite

Giller, D. M. (2015). René Zavaleta market versus the "Dependency theory": some questions around the notion of dependent determination and the primordial form. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 4(8), 115–132. Retrieved from