From the racialized subject of Macusaya Cruz: the Indian as a political subject


  • Octavio Marino Pedoni Universidad Católica de Córdoba


racialized subject, indian, political subject, Fausto Reinaga


In 2014, Carlos Macusaya Cruz, a member of MINKA (Indianista Katarista Movement), a group that aims the diffusion of the Indianista thought for self-determination in Abya Yala, published Desde el sujeto racializado. Consideraciones sobre el pensamiento indianista de Fausto Reinaga (335 pp.). Book that seeks to contribute to the development of political discourse indianismo, for which concentrates on the work and person of Indian thinker Fausto Reinaga.


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Macusaya Cruz, C. (2014), Desde el sujeto racializado: consideraciones sobre el pensamiento indianista de Fausto Reinaga [on line], MINKA, La Paz, (335 pp.), disponible en:

Ticona Alejo, E. (2006), “Fausto Reinaga, el amawta descolonizador”, en Pukara, nº 6.

Briones, C. (1998), La alteridad del “cuarto mundo”. Una deconstrucción antropológica de la diferencia, Del Sol, Buenos Aires, pp. 29-30.



How to Cite

Pedoni, O. M. (2015). From the racialized subject of Macusaya Cruz: the Indian as a political subject. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 4(8), 133–137. Retrieved from