Women, land and territory


  • Maria Noelia Salatino CONICET-INTA EEA La Consulta


women, land, territory, agrarian question


In this article we present a review of the book "We are land, seed, rebellion, women, land and territory in Latin America" by Claudia Korol. In this work, the author analyzes the inequalities faced by rural women in Latin America to access land tenure and use. His presentation presents an important synthesis of different views on territory, land ownership, patriarchy and colonialism, whose common objective is to make visible the place of women in rural and agrarian areas. Claudia Korol interpellates the Eurocentric and Western perspectives that some gender studies go through, at the same time that she dialogues with community feminisms, indigenous feminisms, black feminisms and eco-feminism. Discussing women's access to the land, is for the author, not only a debate in terms of economy, but in terms of politics and culture, of imagining and fighting for a life alternative, more just not only with women but also with nature.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Noelia Salatino, CONICET-INTA EEA La Consulta
    Licencia en Sociología, cursando doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, FCPyS UNCuyo. Becaria doctoral CONICET-INTA, lugar de trabajo EEA La Consulta


Azcuy Ameghino, E. (2016.) “La cuestión agraria en Argentina Caracterización, problemas y propuestas”. En Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Agrarios Nº 45, 2do. Semestre de 2016, Recuperado de https://bit.ly/2A1GlZe

Bartra, A. (2010). “Campesindios. Aproximaciones a los campesinos de un continente colonizado”. En Revista Memoria. Buenos Aires, Diario La Nación. Recuperado de https://bit.ly/2BkDZ7M.

Korol, C. (2016). “Somos tierra, semilla, rebeldía. Mujeres, tierra y territorio” en América Latina Coedición de GRAIN, Acción por la Biodiversidad y América Libre. Recuperado de https://www.grain.org/es/article/entries/5563-somos-tierra-semilla-rebeldia-mujeres-tierra-y-territorios-en-america-latina.




How to Cite

Women, land and territory. (2018). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 7(14), 165-175. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/intersticios/article/view/19929