The Ratio Studiorum and its link withthe first Argentine university


  • Silvana M. Lovay Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación - CIECS-CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Ratio Studiorum, University of Cordoba, education, Jesuit Province of Paraguay


The work that we present aims to reflect on the incidence of the Ratio Studiorum in the humanistic formation of the University of San Ignacio de Córdoba (Argentina). It aims to contextualize the Ignatian model completed in 1599 and its application in this academic center, located at the headquarters of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay. The model of the Ratio was linked to the constitutions of the university dictated in 1663, forming a theoretical-practical body of pedagogical functioning that extended until the Suppression in 1773. The new organizational structure is one of the factors of relevance of this teaching-learning system. Each actor, from the provincial, through the rector, teachers and students were developed within a framework of harmony. Even the procurator, whose mission was to make teaching free through the maintenance of a network of media that provided what was necessary for that purpose. The school organization started from the curriculum, or curriculum, whose basic structures were philosophy and theology. Within this framework are framed texts inclined to the philosophical system proposed by Aristotle in Antiquity and developed and interpreted from the Christian perspective by St. Thomas. But we also address the institutional everyday in the income and promotion of the student, the school calendar, public events and other resources that formed an integral formation that educated an elite that came to question the political system of his time.


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Author Biography

Silvana M. Lovay, Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación - CIECS-CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctoranda en Ciencias de la Educación (USal), Magister en Museología (IIM-España) y Licenciada en Gestión de las Instituciones Educativas (UAI). Fue becaria del Ministerio de Cultura de España, de Flacso y la Fundación TyPA. Se desempeñó como Directora de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de la ciudad de Alta Gracia (Córdoba), además de pertene-cer a diversas asociaciones museológicas nacionales e internacionales, entre otros roles, como Coordinadora de América Latina y el Caribe del Comité Internacional de Educación y Acción Cultural (ICOM-CECA) para el periodo 2019-2022. Directora de la Diploma-tura Universitaria en Educación en Museos de la UAI.


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How to Cite

Lovay, S. M. (2019). The Ratio Studiorum and its link withthe first Argentine university. Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 7(1), 100–113.



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