The practical works in the classes of Chemistry of the teaching school
A didactic analysis
chemistry teaching, chemistry teacher training, practical work, didactic models, formative purposesAbstract
Initial teacher training for education in Natural Sciences involves the approach to the products and processes of science for its teaching, from a didactic approach (Seferian, 2015: 15-32; Furman et al. 2018: 17) that contemplates the selection of teaching strategies for the understanding of scientific knowledge from its own nature and the construction of disciplinary knowledge for teaching. Accordingly, we highlight the professional work of teachers in the design and development of meaningful didactic proposals, in line with the formative purposes for teacher training in Natural Sciences.
In this article, we present the findings of an exploratory research conducted in the Secondary Education Teacher Training in Chemistry in the province of Córdoba, during the months of August 2019 to July 2020. The purpose was focused on making approaches to the didactic models, the epistemological conceptions that guide the pedagogical decisions of the teachers and the image of science that is propitiated and constructed in the chemistry classes of the Profesorado. The methodological approach was qualitative, using categories and indicators (organized in an evaluation grid designed by the research team) for the analysis of the practical work implemented by teachers in their classes of curricular units of the Specific Training Field. The categories and indicators of the grid were constructed based on the Curricular Design of the teaching staff and on the proposal elaborated by Caamaño (2003) regarding the purposes, work methodology and formative purposes for experimental practical work.
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Anexo I
Grilla de valoración
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