The breast as a deadly sin.

Essay on human breastfeeding in a society marked by the pedagogy of cruelty


  • Nadia Alexandra Balmaceda SECyT UNC-Conicet Doctoral Scholar. Institute of Animal Diversity and Ecology (IDEA). Córdoba; Argentina: She works as an assigned professor of the Chair of Socioeconomic Development and Food Supply of the School of Nutrition, UNC.
  • María Julia Angeli Doctoral scholar co-financed by CONICET and UNC. Institutes for studies in communication, expression and technologies (IECET). Cordova


The present work aims to investigate the obstacles, challenges and potentialities of breastfeeding practice within the framework of a capitalist-patriarchal model rooted in the pedagogy of cruelty. This essay proposes to draw theoretical and methodological ins-piration from the anthropology of the senses and the concept of the body-territory. From these perspectives, we are interested in understanding how the body constitutes both the primary territory of struggle and a place of individual and collective marks and oppres-sions. Within these latter, we will focus on analyzing the three separations that women must confront during the practice of breastfeeding due to patriarchal mediation: with their own body, with their offspring, and with other women. Finally, we will address how the characteristics of breastfeeding, such as gratuity, abundance, and exclusivity, contrast with the logic imposed by liberal economics, positioning this practice as a "capital sin" in this capitalist-patriarchal model, but also as a bastion of resistance for others who wish and believe that other ways of connecting with our bodies and territories are possible, based on respect, shared responsibility and love.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Alexandra Balmaceda, SECyT UNC-Conicet Doctoral Scholar. Institute of Animal Diversity and Ecology (IDEA). Córdoba; Argentina: She works as an assigned professor of the Chair of Socioeconomic Development and Food Supply of the School of Nutrition, UNC.

Graduate in Nutrition (UNC). Master in Public Health (UNC). Doctoral candidate in Agrarian Social Studies (CEA-UNC). Secyt UNC-Conicet Doctoral Scholar. Institute of Animal Diversity and Ecology (IDEA). Córdoba; Argentina. She works as an assigned professor of the Chair of Socioeconomic Development and Food Supply of the School of Nutrition, UNC. e-mail:

María Julia Angeli, Doctoral scholar co-financed by CONICET and UNC. Institutes for studies in communication, expression and technologies (IECET). Cordova

Graduate in Nutrition (UNC). Doctoral candidate in Social Studies of Latin America (CEA-FCS-UNC). Doctoral scholar co-financed by CONICET and UNC. Institutes for studies in communication, expression and technologies (IECET). Cordova; Argentina: She works as an assigned professor of the Chair of Nutrition in Public Health at the School of Nutrition, UNC. She is a member of the Program: Study Group on childhood experiences and care practices in the Global South (CIPECO) and the Laboratory: Interventions from expressiveness: Experiences of children and young people in the pandemic (CIPE-CO-FCC) .



How to Cite

Balmaceda, N. A., & Angeli, M. J. (2024). The breast as a deadly sin.: Essay on human breastfeeding in a society marked by the pedagogy of cruelty. Cardinalis, (21), 7–28. Retrieved from