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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines


ATTENTION: Articles and Letters should be submitted to



All contributions proposed for publication must consider the following guidelines:
1- Be unpublished and original, in Spanish and / or Portuguese. It is essential that they have not been nominated for presentation in other scientific journals or editorial bodies. Contributions in conditions to be published (double-blind review approved and compliance with editorial standards) will be edited for the postulated journal number or the next. It is necessary that for any of the sections to which the works are submitted, the personal or institutional email of the authors must be noted (for translations also make known the contact emails of the authors of the same). At the same time, the ORCID code ( and a brief biography of up to 100 words should be included, if possible.
2- Sending a contribution implies a commitment by the authors not to submit it simultaneously to the consideration of other publications, or to make this fact known to the Editorial Committee for its decision on the application.
3- The editorial collective reserves the rights to the contributions published and to be published.
4- In order to ensure the anonymous nature of the review process, the authors must pay close attention to any reference by which they can be identified.
5- The evaluation by the evaluation committee is anonymous and cannot be appealed. The evaluation committee is external to the editorial committee. The acceptance and quality of the published contributions is ensured by said committee, who are in charge of approving or rejecting the contributions after the observations and recommendations that they consider pertinent.
6- The sender is responsible for the content of the text and the veracity of the information that appears. The conscious inclusion of fraudulent or inaccurate data implies unethical behavior and will imply the automatic rejection of contributions.
7- The Editorial Committee may make formal changes for the purposes of publishing, which require contributions, including their titles, after consultation with the authors.
8- In the cases of authors whose contributions have been published in the previous issue of the journal and decide to apply for a new job, it is recommended to wait for a number to do so.
9- Contributions that do not comply with the established guidelines will be rejected.


The Editorial Committee conducts a review of the nominated contributions based on the relevance to the theme of the journal, it can directly reject the works received without resorting to the external external arbitration process as long as it considers they do not conform to the level of quality, due to lack of compliance with the guidelines established by the magazine or for presenting evidence of fraud.
Once this instance is drawn, the articles and academic contributions are submitted to the consideration of the Referees or Evaluating Committee, made up of specialists in the topics of the contributions and are evaluated under the "double blind" system, this implies that the evaluators will not know the name of the author and vice versa. The evaluation reviews the quality of the contributions based on their conceptual rigor, academic relevance, originality and clarity of presentation.
The final result of the opinion may be:
Approved, in this case, it will be subject to a style correction for its final disposition in the magazine. Approved with modifications, regarding writing or bibliography, requests for clarification or observations that those who evaluate consider pertinent. A deadline is given for corrections. Once the deadline has expired, if the necessary corrections or discharges are not made, the contribution will not be published in that edition. If they make the necessary changes, the contribution returns to the referees for final evaluation. Once the final version is approved, it goes to the style correction and is published. If the final evaluation is not favorable, the article will not be published. Not approved, when it does not meet the minimum standards established. The contribution will not be published in that number, and may be submitted with changes for future calls.
In case of disparate opinions resulting from double blind arbitration, the Editorial Committee will review them and make a decision on the matter; being able to send to a third arbitration.
The contributions that are selected will be made available in the digital version. Cardinalis is not responsible for unpublished works.


The proposed contributions will be presented in a word processor compatible with Windows, Word document and will be sent only in digital format, as an attachment to an email message to the address
For the shipment, the file will be named as follows: Surname of the author / s, followed by underscore and name of the section. Example: García_Article.


Page layout
Paper size: A4
Vertical orientation
Margins: top, bottom, right and left: 2.5 cm.
Paragraphs: No indentation. With 12 point spacing. previous and 6 pts. later. Justified alignment. Font: Times New Roman 12. Line spacing: 1.5. Aligned: justified
ATTENTION: DO NOT include page numbering.

1. Structure of articles and academic contributions

Contribution title: UPPER CASE the first letter and then lowercase, except for specific words that require capitalization. The sentence centered and in bold. Font size 14, Times New Roman.
Name of the author / xs / xs: first and last name (in that order), centered alignment and in italic format. Do not specify there academic titles obtained. Font size 12, Times New Roman. In a footnote, it is necessary to indicate the insertion and / or institutional reference of all the authors and the contact email address of each one; Also, mention the country of residence and - if you have it, inform your ORCID registry.
Summary: up to 300 words in maximum length. Include, after the abstract, 3 to 5 keywords in lowercase and separated by semicolons. Both title, abstract and keywords should be entered in the language of the article and in Portuguese or English (at your option). The designation "Summary" and "Keywords" must be in bold.
Subtitles in the body of the text: two levels of hierarchy in the subtitles. One in bold, lowercase and one in italics (not bold); It is advisable not to number them unless the content requires it. Font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.15 line spacing.
Quotes: in quotation marks (without italics). Of more than 40 words: in a separate paragraph, in font size 11, left and right indentation of 1 cm. and without quotes or italics. To resolve doubts regarding the aforementioned, see:
Figures: includes images, tables / tables, graphs, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc., which will be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. They will be placed in the text in the place that corresponds to them and will be headed with the expression "Figure Nº ..." in bold format, followed by the title in lowercase, all the selected plain text (without bold, italics and / or underlined), size letter 10, centered aligned. After the figure (at the bottom of it), the source of information, the source word in bold, all this text also in size 10 will be indicated.
The figures must be in JPG format and in the corresponding text space. They must have a quality of no less than 300dpi and must not exceed 20mb.
Footnote: in automatic order and superscript. Simple spacing. Times New Roman, font size 10. Justified text alignment.

Bibliography: Source: Times New Roman 10; Line spacing: single; Justified, with 6 pt rear paragraph spacing. Both the list of bibliographic references and the references to works in the text will be made according to the APA Standards (American Psychological Association), Summary Guide of the Manual of Publications with APA Standards, seventh edition 2020. See details at: https: // drive / file / d / 146XyppAqTV4Xs0797al3YW5CVViKs6hm / view? usp = sharing

2. Structure of reviews (bibliographic and documentary or others)

Title: it is suggested, state the title and underneath the word “review”. UPPER CASE the first letter and then lower case, except for specific words that require capitalization. The sentence centered and in bold. Font size 14, Times New Roman.
Bibliographic data of the work: Title, author / xs, Publisher, Place of publication, ISBN, No. of pages, year of publication, all these data in a text box. Times New Roman font, size 11.
Introduction: presentation and location of the document to be reviewed, including information about its author / xs and the motivations for choosing the work.
Structure of the work: Description of the content that is reviewed. It is important that it is not just a description, but that there is an analytical and critical review of the content with personal observations. It is necessary to realize the evaluation of the work, highlighting successes, weaknesses, potentials and / or limitations.
Final words or conclusions: said conclusions are encouraged to emphasize the link between the work reviewed and the subject and subject of the magazine.
Author's name: first and last name (in that order), right-aligned and in italic format. Below the name, place and date. Do not specify academic degrees obtained before the name. Font size 12, Times New Roman. In a footnote, it is necessary to indicate the insertion and / or institutional reference of all the authors and the contact email address of each one; also do mention the country of residence and -if you have it- inform your ORCID registration.

3. Structure of conversations

Title: UPPER CASE the first letter and then lower case, except for specific words that require capitalization. The sentence centered and in bold. Font size 14, Times New Roman.
Name of the / the author / xs: name and surname (in that order) of those who participate in the writing of the conversation, centered and italic. In a footnote, it is necessary to indicate the insertion and / or institutional reference of all the authors and the contact email address of each one; Also, mention the country of residence and -if you have it- inform your ORCID registration.
Brief presentation of those who are part of the conversation: synthetic description of biographical or reference data that allows the readers to be placed with whom / s the dialogue is being held.
Conversation: text that expresses the content and central themes of the shared dialogue. Conclusions or closing.

For more information, and send us your paper contact the email:


la conforman contribuciones sobre temáticas geográficas, sociales y ambientales cuya extensión no debe exceder las 25 páginas (incluyendo notas, bibliografía, mapas, cuadros, etcétera). Es la sección central de la revista. Y está abocada a estudios e investigaciones de índole académica.

Aportes Académicos

abierta a contribuciones de comentarios críticos, avances de proyectos de investigación, informes de actividades de extensión, proyectos pedagógicos didácticos. Serán admitidas contribuciones con una extensión máxima de 15 páginas (incluyendo notas, bibliografía, mapas, cuadros, etcétera).


destinada tanto a reseñas bibliográficas (de artículos y libros) como de otros formatos (reseñas de documentales, videos, películas, entre otros). La extensión de estas contribuciones comprende un mínimo de 3 páginas y un máximo 6 páginas (incluyendo notas, bibliografía, mapas, cuadros). Serán especialmente valoradas aquellas reseñas que articulen en su desarrollo dos o más textos.


espacio destinado a la presentación de diálogos donde se compartan saberes y/o prácticas espaciales – de comunidades indígenas, movimientos sociales, campesinos, entre otros- no necesariamente institucionalizados, legitimados e identificados como científicos/académicos. Y a referentes académicos sobre temas relevantes de interés en la revista. Serán admitidas una extensión máxima de 15 páginas (incluyendo notas, bibliografía, mapas, cuadros, etcétera).


sección de la revista destinada a la presentación de trabajos científicos, entrevistas o conversaciones ya publicados en otras revistas de otras lenguas y que han sido traducidos por los propios autores contando con previa autorización de los otros espacios donde ya se ha publicado y respetando la extensión y formato expresados en la sección artículos.

Miscelánea sobre Geografía y Arte

Este espacio está destinado al abordaje de asuntos en la  interfase entre arte y geografía. La propuesta invita a personas vinculadas a estas áreas – artistas visuales, geógrafxs, músicxs, escritorxs, musicólogxs, antropólogxs, sociólogxs, etc – para que propongan un diálogo que tenga como resultado un texto híbrido y autoral con una extensión de 3 a 7 páginas. Se estimulará el uso de diferentes soportes (imágenes/fotografía, sonoros, cartográficos, plataformas virtuales, colajes) y la exploración de diversos géneros (poesía, ensayo, carta, crónica, canción). 

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.