CANCELLATION OR SUCCESS? The Future of the Velluters Guild Apprentices in Valencia, 1570-1592


  • Paula González Fons



apprentices,, silk weavers, Valencia, mastership


The guild apprenticeship was one of the best options in the labour market of the Ancien Régime.
However, this option could also be considerably unstable for many of the young people who could
not move up in the artisan career. This study analyses the future of apprentices in the silk weavers’
guild in the city of Valencia in the last third of the 16th century. Through the apprenticeship
contracts, not only the model apprentice will be traced, but also the socio-professional profile
of those young people who cancelled their contracts, as well as those who managed to become
masters. The analysis of these data will show that the sons of masters were not the majority
group, but also that they were not the only ones to obtain the mastership. In this way, not only
the supposed endogamic character of the guilds in the Ancien Régime will be clarified, but also
the importance of the economic situation in which the guilds, and therefore their members, were
immersed will be made clear.


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How to Cite

CANCELLATION OR SUCCESS? The Future of the Velluters Guild Apprentices in Valencia, 1570-1592. (2023). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 1(23), 13-34.