Chile and Argentina on the brink of war (1881-1902)


  • Pablo Lacoste Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Universidad de Congreso



The current study shows the importance that the Argentinean and Chile's arms race reached within the regional and world wide context. The destructive power of Argentina and Chile allowed to began the era of the Twenty Century massive slaughters. This process was produced within a world context of acceleration of the arms race between the big powers. In this frame, the initiative of tzar Nicholas II, with the purposes of encouraging arms controls and the solution of international problems through arbitrary echanisms, a proposal that failed for europeans in The Haya, it did worked for Chile and Argentina in the "Estrecho Tie". In this way there was green light to the May Pacts which stated the first equivalence agreement of the arms of the contemporary history. Meanwhile, while Europe was on its way to the Fist World War, the Pacts of May opened one more century of peace between Argentina and Chile.


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Author Biography

  • Pablo Lacoste, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Universidad de Congreso


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How to Cite

Chile and Argentina on the brink of war (1881-1902). (2001). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 1, 301-328.