Real Federalism and Republic in three decades of provincial budgets (Mendoza, 1853-1883)


  • Luis Alberto Coria Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Roberto Varo Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



Here we analize the changed that happened in the public finances in particular, as in the whole government. There we will see how the State structure is transformed to make the republic be possible and how are public finances modified to allow the republic principies and the federal regime be admitted. And what was the budget's role we try to demonstrateif the republican and federal regime was really a fact for the province. Here, we analize what happened with the changes in the government structure, in the public finances and in the results obtained.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Alberto Coria, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Roberto Varo, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


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How to Cite

Real Federalism and Republic in three decades of provincial budgets (Mendoza, 1853-1883). (2001). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 1, 191-218.