The representations of Argentine agriculture in Peronism and Post-Peronism. The magazine Mundo agrario, 1949-1962


  • Talía Violeta Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Thepurpose of this article is the study of representations and visions about some aspects characteristic of Argentinean rural world, through the analysis of one specialized periodical publication, Mundo Agrario, edited between 1949 y 1962. This approach permit us to observe how, through the magazine, the different social actors involved, including the State, were perceived, understood and imagined the agrarian sector, so the language and the arguments with what these editors intended to involve the rural population. The peculiar situation of Mundo Agrario that in spite of being bom as an official publication during the peronism, continued after his fall in 1955 (Liberty Revolution), proportioned the opportunity to enrich the analysis emphasizing continuity and changes in the discourse about the agrarian Ufe. It is important to emphasize the presence of technical personnel (agronomist and veterinarians) and also collaborationists who gave it the specific character that, without to invalidate his officialprofue, permitted the magazine maintain enough independence to obtain this permanence. With this object we have realized theme selection that contains publics politics addressed to agrarian sector, technology, cooperatives, colonization, leasing, rural education and family.


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Author Biography

  • Talía Violeta Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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How to Cite

The representations of Argentine agriculture in Peronism and Post-Peronism. The magazine Mundo agrario, 1949-1962. (2004). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 4, 37-56.