Between the repressed and the representable. The Representation of the Aboriginal Subject in the Period of the Constitution of the Argentine Nation State, 1880-1920


  • Laura Villegas Universidad de Buenos Aires



scholastics texts, native, representation, state nation


In the present work I have analysed the construction and representation of the other one, unfolded in the period of constitution of Argentine State Nation between 1880- 1920, exactly, in the local educational system. I have worked with a corpus constituted by scholastic texts and Primary school reading books, known as an official pedagogical discourse. The boarding of the corpus is crossed by three elements in interdetermination: a) the political order and state nation (functional to the requirements of the agro exporter economic model); b) the educational system (acculturated apparatus); c) the social heterogeneous and multicultural social framework (addressees and object, of the speech and imaginary official). I conclude that the construction of the other one, during this period, is closely determined by the modern economic and cultural project impelled by the Argentine state nation. In this context, the school and the pedagogical speech fulfil an important roll. 


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Author Biography

  • Laura Villegas, Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Between the repressed and the representable. The Representation of the Aboriginal Subject in the Period of the Constitution of the Argentine Nation State, 1880-1920. (2009). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 5, 203-224.