The Tucuman democrats: between national conservatism and Concordance. Intervention in the province of Tucumán, 1933-1934


  • María Graciana Parra Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Tucumán



Partido Demócrata Nacional, conservatives, opposition, intervention


This paper aims to inquire into the strategies deployed by the Partido Demócrata Nacional de Tucumán (PDNT) in its quest for the intervention to the province during the early years of the decade of 1930. This political objective of the democrats tucumanos did not turn out to be easy, while they should have faced to a new political provincial force - Defensa Provincial Bandera Blanca- that in the past belonged to its ranks, and that after the Revolution obtained the principal provincial spaces of power. Likewise, we try to understand the dynamics inside the PDNT, characterized by the scanty cohesion of his rows and the constant discords developed of the generational disagreements between his members. This internal conflict of PDNT joined the difficult linkages with national spheres, whether the party and the government, as a result of the structure of the coalition called the Concordance. Equally, the pragmatic game of the president Justo influenced the political dynamics of the province and was crucial to prevent the realization of the democratic plans.


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Author Biography

  • María Graciana Parra, Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


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How to Cite

The Tucuman democrats: between national conservatism and Concordance. Intervention in the province of Tucumán, 1933-1934. (2011). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 11, 85-106.