Bureaucratic logic, notes and documents. Libraries and the cultural sector


  • Ivana Mihal Universidad de Buenos Aires. Filosofía y Letras.




cultural politics of reading, libraries, writings, information, citizenship


This paper reconstructs through a reflexive perspective about the ethnographic practice how notes and documents required for my inclusion in the field turn into the first approach to cultural politics of reading. The aim is to show how these papers are related to different reading approaches from of State field, and in the different libraries that compose that field, namely: popular libraries, publics libraries, community libraries. At the same time this paper seeks to attend the guidelines that these institutions give to citizenship. This article is also about the importance of registration, archive and information inquiry and its impact on the cultural politics of reading. The generation and publication of information about the different types of libraries and cultural organizations related to them, are instruments of great relevance in the basement of the cultural policies.


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Author Biography

Ivana Mihal, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Filosofía y Letras.

CONICET. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Mihal, I. (2011). Bureaucratic logic, notes and documents. Libraries and the cultural sector. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 4(1), 295–304. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v4.n1.5490



Social Anthropology