Some thoughts on the implications of memory and identity in the constitution of the patrimony


  • María Belén Colasurdo Centro de Estudios Sociales Regionales. Centro de Estudios Sociales Regionales/Investigaciones Socio-históricas Regionales
  • Julieta Isabel Sartori Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Estudios Sociales Regionales/Investigaciones Socio-históricas Regionales. Fundación de Arqueología del Litoral.
  • Sandra Cristina Escudero Dpto. Arqueología. Municipalidad de Rosario. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano.



memory, identity, patrimony, museum, anthropology


This paper is about the relation between the concepts of Memory – Identity – Patrimony from an anthropological focus. Since the intrinsic ambiguity of those concepts, it´s considered the preponderant role play by the mechanism of memory/oblivion-individual identities/collective identity in the choose of what it will be considered patrimony inside a community. The concept of patrimony have not been the same along the history and its changing meaning have evolve since the idea of an illustrated treasure to the idea of a touristic resource, and rating it as a cultural product and a mechanism of identity construction. The museum is one of the institution in charge of determine and perpetuate what is consider patrimony and what is not. This could represent the past, in a reliable way or not, it could distort it from its selections and classifications, it could restrict the past because of its codes of historic representation, the way in which it tell it story, the way in which the artifacts are presented. The artifacts are gathered and presented to generate a particular sense to the visitor that observes it.


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How to Cite

Colasurdo, M. B., Sartori, J. I., & Escudero, S. C. (2010). Some thoughts on the implications of memory and identity in the constitution of the patrimony. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 3(1), 149–154.


