The specificity of social research methodology when working with people on “probation.”The case of women “in transition”


  • Beatriz Kalinsky Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas.



women, probation, methodology, relationships, heuristic source


This paper attempts to account the drastic change in the relationships with that happens between de anthropologist and the interlocutors in the case of women who go from being deprived of their liberty on their return to free society (“probation”). Methodological conditions that had been established during the progress of their sentence in jail can not be sustained anymore from a methodological point of view and practical and ethical issues so we must need to think what to do with the fissures that are created and likewise the mutual responsibilities appearing that radically change the scenario of an anthropological research on this subject. This paper also emphasizes the lack of references and the lack of practical investigations. We believe that this article may help to broaden the view in such situations and act as a heuristic source for similar situations.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Kalinsky, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas.

Antropóloga. Doctora por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente del departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UBA. Investigadora independiente del CONICET con sede de trabajo en el Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas de las antedichas facultad y universidad.


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How to Cite

Kalinsky, B. (2010). The specificity of social research methodology when working with people on “probation.”The case of women “in transition”. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 3(1), 113–122.



Social Anthropology