Bundle 14: Recontextualization and bioanthropological analysis of an Ychsma fisherman found in Cut 5 of the upper platform of Huallamarca, Lima, Perú


  • Claudia Andrea Villa Robles Museo del Sitio de Huallamarca
  • Ricardo Ortega-Ruiz Universidad Isabel I / Instituto de Formación Profesional en Ciencias Forenses




Huaca Huallamarca, Late Intermediate, Ychsma, Funerary Bundle, Bioanthropological Analysis


The first references and characterizations about the Ychsma society were based on ethnohistorical sources that aroused the interest of archaeologists and researchers who wanted to know more about this society, settled between the valleys of Rímac and Lurín, in the current capital of Peru, before the arrival of the Inca to these valleys. On this occasion, the context and anthropological analysis of Bundle 14 will provide information about this individual and his society. It will begin with the recontextualization of all the evidence that has been preserved since its discovery and will analyse the skeletal remains of the individual named as Bundle 14, found intrusively on the upper platform of the Huallamarca, monument and corresponding to the Late Intermediate Period (1000 AD- 1476 AD). It is worth mentioning that Bundle 14 comes from a series of funerary contexts that were found in Cut 5 during the excavation season carried out between 1991 and 1992 by Lic. Clide Valladolid. The material and information from this cut are being analysed and recontextualized by the archaeologists in charge and the conservation team of the Museo de Sitio Huallamarca, for future publications and exhibitions.


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How to Cite

Villa Robles, C. A., & Ortega-Ruiz, R. (2023). Bundle 14: Recontextualization and bioanthropological analysis of an Ychsma fisherman found in Cut 5 of the upper platform of Huallamarca, Lima, Perú. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 16(2), 133–144. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v16.n2.40894


