A feminist analysis of restituted identity: Hermeneutic justice, semiotic subversion and women’s experience


  • Mariana Córdoba CONICET / UBA




Identity restitution, Feminist epistemology, Semiotic subversion, Hermeneutic justice, Feminist point of view, Identity, Genetics


The aim of the present paper is to address the issue of identity restitution of the children of the disappeared people during the last Argentinian dictatorship from a philosophical perspective, framed in a feminist epistemology. Starting from two philosophical questions, a metaphysical one about the foundation of identity and a scientific-epistemological one about the relationship between identity and genetics, I will argue that feminist epistemology allows us to propose a notion of identity that is a case of hermeneutical justice, in Miranda Fricker’s words, and that involves a process of semiotic subversion, in Diana Maffía’s terms. This notion of identity, which will make it possible to face some of the criticisms raised regarding the link between identity and genetics, will also be enriched by other tools provided by feminist epistemology, such as the idea that it is necessary to start from women’s experience in order to obtain less perverse knowledge, in Sandra Harding’s words. That will allow us to understand the role of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo regarding the scientific finding of the grandparenthood index.


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How to Cite

Córdoba, M. (2023). A feminist analysis of restituted identity: Hermeneutic justice, semiotic subversion and women’s experience. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 16(2), 431–444. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v16.n2.38905



Dossier: Appropriation of children, the right to identity and demands for justice in Latin America: socio-anthropological studies on kinship, childhood, bureaucracies and rights