Two reflections about the lithic technology in Colombia


  • Francisco Javier Aceituno
  • Nicolás Loaiza



Colombia, Lithic technology, Projectile points, Axes/hoes


As in other regions in the Americas, lithic technology in Colombia has played a key role documenting and characterizing human behavior using the archaeological record before pottery was introduced. This paper aims to review two topics of the early archaeological evidence in Colombia from a lithic technology point of view. First, the Pleistocene peopling of Colombia. Here we will analyze the relation between lithic technology, subsistence strategies, and potential demic migration in Northwest South America during the last tardiglacial period. Second, the adaptive responses related with the transition to and arrival of the Holocene. Here we will analyze the adaptive strategies to subsistance, though the analysis of axes/waisted hoes, a highly representative artifact in Colombian geography, associated with the early use of plants and the origins of plant cultivations.


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How to Cite

Aceituno, F. J., & Loaiza, N. . (2023). Two reflections about the lithic technology in Colombia. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 16(1), 179–194.



Dossier: Classical and Contemporary Approaches to the Analysis of Archaeological Lithic Artefacts in South America