Report of the first season at the tomb of Amenmose (TT318), Luxor, Egypt


  • Liliana Manzi IMHICIHU CONICET
  • Silvana Lorena Yomaha FFyH UNC IDACOR CONICET
  • Andrea Paula Zingarelli IdIHCS UNLP CONICET



Tomb, Hatshepsut-Tuthmosis III, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Epigraphy, Conservation


The aim of this paper is to present the results of the first work season of the Argentine Mission in the tomb of Amenmose (TT318), in Luxor, which has the approval of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt. This season is in the context of the Project of Study and Conservation of the tomb of Amenmose TT318 located in the necropolis of ancient Thebes, dated circa 3500 BP. In this Project interdisciplinary lines of research converge and it involves researchers with institutional membership in different academic centers of national universities (UNLP, UNC, UBA) and CONICET. The objectives of the work season were to carry out the information survey of the wall decoration and to evaluate the condition of monument conservation. It also included the photographic, visual and thematic cataloging record. Pre-consolidation tasks and cleaning in some sectors of the tomb were performed; in addition, the environmental and structural conditions of the funerary monument were assessed.


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How to Cite

Manzi, L., Yomaha, S. L., & Zingarelli, A. P. (2022). Report of the first season at the tomb of Amenmose (TT318), Luxor, Egypt. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(3), 33–48.


