Shincal’s segmented wall as a solar marker


  • Sixto Ramon Gimenez Benitez Faculty of Astronomical and Geophysical Sciences - Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Gustavo Corrado Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum – National University of La Plata



Solar markers, El Shincal, Anti-zenith, Segmented wall


This paper analyzes the use of a particularly striking structure found in the Southeast sector within the great plaza of El Shincal, as a solar marker to establish important dates in the Inca calendar. So far, different hypotheses have been put forward about the meaning and uses of this structure that we call Segmented Wall, but none of them establish an astronomical relationship. It is proposed that this wall was used by the Incas, in a similar way to that reflected in the narrative of the chronicle of Huarochiri by Francisco de Ávila, where the observation of the shadow of a wall established the date for the worship of Pariacaca. But in this case the observation of the shadow of the wall could associate it with the anti-zenith steps of the sun and dates related to seeding and harvesting. Furthermore, the existence of drumsticks on the west side of the wall, could be a sign of their relationship with the ceremonies that took place on Cerro Occidental and the observation of the sun at sunset on certain dates.


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Work by Giménez Benitez and Corrado



How to Cite

Gimenez Benitez, S. R., & Corrado, G. (2022). Shincal’s segmented wall as a solar marker. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(1), 133–144.


