The importance of archaeological evidence in the study of ancient Greek theater: the case of ceramic iconography


  • Carolina Reznik Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, CCT Centro Nacional Patagónico-CONICET



Greek theater, Material evidence, Ceramic iconography, Artifacts, Archeology


The theater, as an artistic, historical and cultural phenomenon, has a problematic entity, although it has textual and material manifestations, it is fully performed in the show. It is due to its performative and convivial nature that it is ephemeral and unrepeatable. Faced with this problem, the question arises about how it is possible to study the theater of the past. Regarding classical greek theater, its study was traditionally approached almost exclusively from a literary perspective, which is why it is necessary to broaden the horizon of the sources of analysis. Archaeological remains, particularly ceramic iconography, provide a type of extremely valuable evidence, which we cannot access from the study of other sources. In this work, we present a critical study on the sources available for the study of classical greek theater, both material and documentary, discussing its particular problems and highlighting the contributions of the material evidence. Likewise, a case study is presented in which a statistical comparison is made of the number of characters represented in theatrical ceramic iconography by dramatic genre, in relation to the limitation of the actors who could be on stage simultaneously in the theater of the time.


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Reznik's work



How to Cite

Reznik, C. (2022). The importance of archaeological evidence in the study of ancient Greek theater: the case of ceramic iconography. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(1), 45–58.


