Avatars of the Anthropological Museum “Dr. Omar Barrionuevo”, School of Archeology, National University of Catamarca


  • Valeria Elizabeth Espiro School of Archaeology, National University of Catamarca




Museums, Catamarca, Cultural Heritage, Preventive Conservation, Cultural Assets


Here we will present a historical review of the Anthropological Museum “Dr. Omar Augusto Barrionuevo”, which currently has an approximate reserve of 300 heritage assets, which are used for learning purposes by teachers and students of the different careers of the School of Archeology, of the National University of Catamarca. Currently the collections do not have systematized records and there is only a general diagnosis of the cultural assets that compose them. These collections become an invaluable heritage for the university, the city of Catamarca, the province and the country, and this is how the need arises for its value, to provide conditions for research, the generation of new scientific knowledge, educational resources and the link with society. Finally, we will reflect on the current context of the Museum, in times of pandemic and the planning of activities in the new normal, being aware that this reflection constitutes a stimulating and fundamental exercise for the development of museums and the professionals who work in them.


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How to Cite

Espiro, V. E. (2021). Avatars of the Anthropological Museum “Dr. Omar Barrionuevo”, School of Archeology, National University of Catamarca. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 14(3), 177–182. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v14.n3.32949


