Asterisms, sky and time cycles among the Wichi


  • Cecilia Paula Gómez CONICET-IICS/UCA (Argentina) y Centro de Investigaciones Históricas y Antropológicas (Bolivia)



Wichi, Gran Chaco, Sky, Asterisms, Time cycles


This article aims to provide a preliminary description of the celestial domain and some of the time cycles which, from the Wichi point of view, are associated with the sky. For this first approach, the starting point will be the ethnographic research initially carried out in a neighborhood of the Ingeniero Juárez city (Formosa, Argentina) which is largely inhabited by Wichi people. Also, available bibliographic information about Wichi communities inhabiting the Chaco territory is taken into account. Finally, there is a review of a series of work lines previously proposed which we assume will allow us to study the Wichi society taking the readings they make of the sky as a starting point.


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How to Cite

Gómez, C. P. (2020). Asterisms, sky and time cycles among the Wichi. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 13(3), 419–428.



Wichí: the people, the world, the word