Consolidation of the argentine national state at the tip of the spear, saber and facón. Osteobiographical and historical approach to the remains of the Col. Ambrosio Sandes (1815-1863)


  • Pablo Sebastián Giannotti CONICET; UNCuyo, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología, Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica y Etnohistoria; Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco (Municipalidad de Mendoza)
  • Daniela Mansegosa CONICET; UNCuyo, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología, Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica y Etnohistoria; Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco (Municipalidad de Mendoza)
  • Horacio Chiavazza UNCuyo, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología, Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica y Etnohistoria; Museo del Área Fundacional y Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco (Municipalidad de Mendoza)
  • Emiliano Araujo UNCuyo, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras



Ambrosio Sandes, Argentine Army, War, Bioarchaeology, Mendoza


The second half of the 19th century was determined by the consolidation of the Argentine national state within the framework of two opposing political-ideological worldviews: Liberalism versus. Federalism. The military forces and, specifically, its high-ranking military played a transcendental role by executing the monopoly on violence from the Provincial States in their national projection. The aim of this work is to study, from an osteobiographical-historical approach, a secondary burial exhumed from the grave of Ambrosio Sandes (1815-1863) (Municipal Cemetery of Mendoza, Argentina) who was the unitary colonel of the Argentine Army with a documented participation in the battlefields and on the national political stage. At the skeletal level, analyze indicators of metabolic-nutritional stress, functional stress, pathologies, traumas and oral health. The results allowed to elaborate a general osteobiographical profile and another individualizing one, providing foundations that allowed to approximate a possible identification. Likewise, they discuss the bioindicators according to the different stages of their life (childhood, military career and the events near their death). In this way, not only osteobiographical information of one of the most relevant characters of the period is provided, but also allows to live the logic of the State in formation embodied in the body of its protagonists.


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How to Cite

Giannotti, P. S., Mansegosa, D., Chiavazza, H., & Araujo, E. (2020). Consolidation of the argentine national state at the tip of the spear, saber and facón. Osteobiographical and historical approach to the remains of the Col. Ambrosio Sandes (1815-1863). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 13(3), 235–248.



Osteobiographies: Multidisciplinary contributions for the study of human remains