Endogamy and inbreeding in the Calamuchita Valley, Córdoba Province, Argentina. Period 1896-1950


  • Mayra Almeida Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
  • Darío Demarchi IDACOR-CONICET, Museo de Antropología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




Amboy, Surnames, Biodemography, Marital Distances, Migration, Amboy, Surnames, Biodemography, Marital distances, Migration


In this paper we analyzed changes in the population structure of the Calamuchita Valley during the period 1896–1950 based on biodemographic data. The sample included all the marriages registered in the Registro Civil of Amboy, where births, marriages and deaths of the entire population of Calamuchita have been recorded since 1896. Based on data from 1105 marriages, we estimated the coefficient of inbreeding by isonymy (F), the percentages of endogamy and regional and extra-regional exogamy and the average marital distance. The results reveal a high degree of endogamy, except in the last cohort (1940-1950) when a greater migratory dynamism begins to be observed in the population. High consanguinity values ​​were obtained, the non-random component (Fn) being much higher than the random one (Fr) over the period under investigation, a fact that reveals that it is a consanguineous population by choice and, to a lesser extent, due to its small effective population size. This behavior might be explained as a consequence of a strategy to keep family patrimony safe or by the conjugal preference for close geographical origin.


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Author Biography

Mayra Almeida, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades




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How to Cite

Almeida, M., & Demarchi, D. (2020). Endogamy and inbreeding in the Calamuchita Valley, Córdoba Province, Argentina. Period 1896-1950. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 13(2), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v13.n2.26712



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