Stories of water and fire. Modification of lithic assemblages from forest northpatagonic archaeological sites


  • Mariana Carballido Calatayud CONICET, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Cristina Bellelli CONICET, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL)



Forest, formation processes, humidity, lithic assemblages, fire


Understanding the general aspects of the forest environment, especially the dynamics of natural disturbances (fires) and high humidity, as well as those of the sites, such as their topographic location, erosion / deposition dynamics and those related to human occupation, allowed us to characterize the formation processes of the archaeological record that recurrently affect lithic assemblages of this environment. The analysis of three cases located in different locations of the forest area between the southern limit of the Nahuel Huapi National Park and the northern limit of the Los Alerces National Park made it possible to determine that fire, especially that caused by forest fires, is a powerful transformer agent of lithic assemblages of different raw materials, but especially those with high silica content. The humidity of the deposits acted heterogeneously depending on the location of the sites, their effects being those of low energy flows (sediment films or white spots).


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How to Cite

Carballido Calatayud, M., & Bellelli, C. (2020). Stories of water and fire. Modification of lithic assemblages from forest northpatagonic archaeological sites. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 13(1), 347–354.



Study of formation processes in lithic assemblages

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