The Value of Narrative: Memory and Patrimony among the Siona


  • Esther Jean Langdon Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social



narrative, memory, ethnic identity, language revitalization, Siona Indians


This paper explores the value of narrative of the Siona Indians of Colombia as cultural patrimony and expression of ethics and aesthetics of daily life, collective memory and identity. It focuses on a group of narratives collected in the 1960s by a young Siona man, Felinto Piaguaje, who learned to write his language. Five of these were presented in a workshop in 2014 that intended to collaborate with the ongoing language revitalization and ethnoeducation projects of this Western Tukanoan speaking group. Two of the narratives examined in the workshop are analyzed, as well as the discussions and performances that they stimulated. The participating elders emphasized their value for collective memory regarding their perspective of the world and need for their preservation as cultural patrimony. The young teachers expressed the value of the narratives for educational activities and ethnic identity because they reference their own tradition and language in a context of rapid change. Siona narrative tradition continues to invoke their perspective of a fractal universe as well as philosophy of living well. In addition, in the contemporary situation, these narratives represent the expression of identity for the Siona, conveying information about who they are to themselves and others.


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Author Biography

Esther Jean Langdon, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social

Professora titular de Antropologia e coordenadora do INCT Brasil Plural.


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How to Cite

Langdon, E. J. (2018). The Value of Narrative: Memory and Patrimony among the Siona. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 11, 91–100.



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