The Quai Branly-Jean Chirac Museum. The museology normative discourse


  • Luis Adrián Galindo Universidad Central de Venezuela.



museums, cultural diversity, Quai Branly Museum, museology.


Today, as in the past, many museums of ethnography or museums of the world’s cultures, continues to stage a hegemonic established social order. In them the normative discourse of the Eurocentric culture manages to impose itself from the conception of its narrative structure, the selection of its objects of exhibition and the staging, thus strengthening the neoliberal thought that promotes the cultural diversity as the summation of the cultures which share the same territory, without contradictions, without asymmetries, without social tensions, in an apparent «social peace» and in a natural relationship with the environment. The Quai Branly-Jean Chirac Museum is a good example of this.


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How to Cite

Galindo, L. A. (2019). The Quai Branly-Jean Chirac Museum. The museology normative discourse. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 12(1), 101–104.


