New data on oral health and diet in secondary burials of the foundational area of Mendoza (17th - 19th centuries)


  • Daniela Alit Mansegosa Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica
  • Pablo Sebastián Giannotti Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica
  • Horacio Daniel Chiavazza Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica



living conditions, oral indicators, Centuries XVII-XIX, Mendoza, historical archeology


In this paper we present the results of the analysis of oral health indicators in a sample of skulls and jaws recovered in secondary burials in the Jesuit Ruins of San Francisco (RSF), located in the. The sample analyzed corresponds to the colonial colonies (XVII - XVIII and XIX centuries) and come from a sector of the Central Ship of the RSF. The oral health and diet indicators were analyzed: caries, tooth wear, loss of premature teeth, abscesses and periodontitis in a sample composed of 200 teeth and 263 alveoli. The prevalence of these indicators was analyzed according to gender, age, chronology and burial sector. The results are integrated and compared with those obtained in previous research on samples recovered from other sectors of the same archaeological site and other temples of the Foundational Area. The observed trends differentiate between oral health conditions between the sexes and a progressive deterioration with the increase of the age, as well as between the socioeconomic sectors and a chronological level changes. The prevalences of the analyzed indicators are related to a mixed diet with a base of carbohydrate agricultural foods, this information is complemented with historiographical and archaeological data.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Alit Mansegosa, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica

Dra. en Antropología, Becaria post doctoral de CONICET.

Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco, Área Fundacional, Municipalidad de Mendoza, Argentina.

Pablo Sebastián Giannotti, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica

Licenciado y Profesor de Historia. Becario doctoral de CONICET

Centro de Investigaciones Ruinas de San Francisco, Área Fundacional, Municipalidad de Mendoza, Argentina.

Horacio Daniel Chiavazza, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Laboratorio de Arqueología Histórica

Director del Área Fundacional de la ciudad de Mendoza (desde 2008)

Director del Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología (2016-2019)

Dr en Ciencias Naturales, Mag en Arqueología Social y Licenciado en Historia


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How to Cite

Mansegosa, D. A., Giannotti, P. S., & Chiavazza, H. D. (2018). New data on oral health and diet in secondary burials of the foundational area of Mendoza (17th - 19th centuries). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 11(1), 141–152.



Biological Anthropology