Degenerative joint disease in the elite and non-elite population of Solcor-3 archaeological site: middle period, San Pedro de Atacama, north of Chile


  • Viviana Bernarda Llagostera Leyton Universidad de Tarapacá. Facultad de Cs. Sociales y Jurídicas



middle period, San Pedro de Atacama, degenerative joint disease, body activity, social status


Solcor-3 is an atacameño population that lived during the Middle Period, which is characterised, according to its cultural context, by the inclusion of two different social groups based on their social status. The focus of the analyses were to determine if there were life inequalities, through the study of degenerative joint disease (DJD). It was possible to determine that social status is not related to the development of this pathology, except for female individuals, who presented higher prevalences of degenerative joint disease mainly in their lower extremities (right hip 50% and right knee 18,5%). These results are in accordance with grazing and agricultural activities, although DJD in females could also be influenced by other etiological factors.


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How to Cite

Llagostera Leyton, V. B. (2017). Degenerative joint disease in the elite and non-elite population of Solcor-3 archaeological site: middle period, San Pedro de Atacama, north of Chile. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 10(2), 123–130.



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