Music and dance as particiapative spaces among young children of migrant Bolivians and Paraguayans in Buenos Aires (Argentina)


  • Natalia Gavazzo Universidad Nacional de San Martin



nusic and dance, second-generation immigrants, social Participation, cultural identification


This article is partially based on my PhD thesis, which used an anthropological approach to study identifications and ways of participation among “second-generation” immigrants in Argentina’s city capital. The present analysis will take up some aspects of those ways of participation among second-generation Bolivians and Paraguayans in Buenos Aires, starting from the study of their artistic and cultural practices linked to their parents’ origin, specially music and dance. Taking into account identification processes among the generation of the descendants, this article will place those artistic practices and these youth participation within the frame of current socio-political situations and changes (that go beyond the local and the national level to reach the trans/international space). The final aim is to elaborate a broader definition of “the political”, that will not be limited to traditional ways of social and political participation, in order to create key elements to understand music and dance as tools for transformation, especially among urban working class young people.


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Author Biography

Natalia Gavazzo, Universidad Nacional de San Martin

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. 


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How to Cite

Gavazzo, N. (2016). Music and dance as particiapative spaces among young children of migrant Bolivians and Paraguayans in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 9(1), 83–94.



Social Anthropology