Playing with colors and pigments: an experimental and archaeometric approach to the Portezuelo pottery (ca. 600-900 d.C.) (Catamarca, Argentina)
Aguada Portezuelo pottery from Northwest Argentina (ca.600-900 AD) presents a great complexity in its plastic interventions, its marked polychromy being one of its most fascinating aspects. The use of a multiplicity of pigments by ancient potters to obtain different colors requires a better understanding of the operational chains involved in handling them. In this paper, we present the results obtained through the research focused on a series of experiments with ceramic briquettes, their decoration with different natural pigments, and their subsequent firing in different atmospheres and temperatures. Additionally, some archaeometric data in relation to obtaining different colors are presented.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marina Gala Martínez Carricondo, Guillermo De La Fuente, Domingo Carlos Nazar, Guillermo Rozas
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