Approach to the social forms of construction of the concept of person in agro-pottery societies of the region of Soto, Córdoba, Argentina


  • María Elena Ferreira



Rlational person, Individual, Dividual, Bodies, Figurines


An investigation is proposed about the native notions of person, individual, body, estimating their scope and archaeological possibilities and material correlates in the particular context of the North of Córdoba. With this approach, an exploration of these conceptualizations is carried out, seeking an approach to the understanding of the native ways of understanding people. The work is framed from the archaeologies of personhood, or persona character that investigate how the people of the past were generated together with their social worlds, through social technologies, and seek to understand and interpret the principles that structure everyday life. In order to inquire about these issues, the analysis of edited information is approached, both from local ethnohistoric sources as well as ethnographic studies of the region, and archaeological museum collections and information from regional archaeological works and studies were systematically examined on treatment of the dead in Córdoba. It is proposed that perhaps it was a conception of people close to a notion of collective and, in turn, distributed subjects, characterized by subjects defined in a highly dynamic relationality, not only in life but even beyond death.


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Ferreira's work






How to Cite

Ferreira, M. E. (2022). Approach to the social forms of construction of the concept of person in agro-pottery societies of the region of Soto, Córdoba, Argentina. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(1), 7-16.

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