
  • Valeria Sbuelz Doctorado en Estudios Sociales Agrarios, Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


Territorial knowledge, Women's struggle, Between women, Living epistemes, Villa


Villa La Maternidad (VLM) is an urban community network settled for more than 140 years on land near the civic and commercial center of the City of Córdoba, Argentina. In this community fabric, the triple patriarchal-colonialist-capitalist domination breaks the common fabric and rebinds the ties in another way, imposing separations of women from each other and from them with their creations, therefore with the world, through patriarchal mediations between yes, the fabric that sustains life is also affected, as postulated by Gutiérrez Aguilar, R., Sosa, M. and Reyes, I. (June 2018). Faced with this, the inter-women acts in VLM in a subversive way, re-valuing, enhancing the links, spaces and actions between women to strengthen the experiences of ordinary and extraordinary struggle against patriarchy-colonialism-capitalism and the knowledge that of and for these struggles arise and are permanently updated, embodying what we call living epistemes. It is the women of this town who fight for the defense of the territory with greater strength. They are the ones who organize themselves to face on a daily basis and also in extraordinary moments of unfolded struggle, the endless list of violence, dispossession and domination, in defense of their bodies, lives and freedoms.


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How to Cite

TERRITORIAL KNOWLEDGE OF WOMEN IN STRUGGLE FOR TERRITORY. VILLA LA MATERNIDAD, CÓRDOBA (ARGENTINA). (2022). Alter-nativa, 11, 24-45. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/alter-nativa/article/view/38600