The Research Yearbook is the annual journal of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Faculty of Psychology (UNC), which aims to disseminate the scientific productions developed in the research groups of the faculty, as well as the papers presented at conferences and events of Science and Technology, and those scientific articles that meet the editorial criteria upheld by the Yearbook. 

The journal's policy guidelines are based on the democratisation of science. This implies that its publications are open access, governed by a conception of knowledge as a public and social good, and its access as a universal human right. It is aimed not only at researchers and academics, but also at communities, as it seeks to respond to the different social emergencies that arise in their midst, in a process that recognises their problems in the construction of the research and science agenda.

The Yearbook is constituted as a space for dialogue and exchange between knowledge and social actors, as a response to a logic of univocity of knowledge, giving rise to plural forms of knowledge. 

The journal has an annual issue devoted to dossier articles, together with several special issues dedicated to papers from conferences and events organised by SeCyT. Articles that meet the editorial criteria are submitted to a double-blind evaluation process carried out by an experienced committee. The journal also accepts papers in Spanish, English and Protuguese.


The journal is currently in the process of being indexed.


e- ISSN: 1853-0354

The Yearbook of Research uses Creative Commons Open Access licences for all its works, and does not charge authors a fee for publication.