Study of different methods of estimating cold hours and their comparison with the actual computation of the same obtained in Cordoba

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A. R. Rodríguez
Graciela E. Edreira
Nidia Blanch de Bongiovanni


Using the proposed method the hours of cold effective for particular months and years can be estimated, which allows a correct description (definition) of the agro-climatic conditions during the hours of cold in a particular region. To ensure good fruit production both in quality and quantity as well as to ensure that the useful life span of the fruit trees be the maximum possible, it is assential that the actual cold period of a given region coincides, to a great extent, with the requirement of cold of the plants under consideration. This paper reviews and compares different methods and formulae to estimate the number of cold hours with the real number of cold hours (< 74C) registered during the 1937/75 period at the Observatory of the Córdoba Metheorological Service (Latitude 31Q 24' S - Longitude: 649 W. of G. Height above sea level: 425 m.). The basis of each method or formula is briefly explained and reference is made to its performance throughout the period analized. Furthermore, taking one of the methods studied (Dr. Sharpe's) as a basis, a formula for the estimation of hours of cold in Córdoba has been proposed, wich has proved to be the most adequate method of estimation.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, A. R., Edreira, G. E., & Blanch de Bongiovanni, N. (2017). Study of different methods of estimating cold hours and their comparison with the actual computation of the same obtained in Cordoba. AgriScientia, 4(1), 31–40.
Author Biography

Nidia Blanch de Bongiovanni, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Estadística y Biometría

Profesora Adjunta de la Cátedra.


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