Description of Criconemella multiannulata N. Sp. and observations on C. peruensiformis (De Grisse, 1967) Luc & Raski, 1981 (Criconematida Tylenchida)

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Marcelo E. Doucet


Populations of Criconemella multiannulata n. sp. and C. peruensiformis (De Grisse 1967) Luc & Raski, 1981 from Córdoba (Argentina) are described. Population of C. multiannulata n. sp. consisted of female only characterized by a large number of body annules (143 - 150). Close to C. brevistyla (Singh & Khera, 1976) Luc & Raski, 1981 acording to many morphometric characteres, in differs by the values of Rex (30 - 32 vs 35 - 41), Ran (8 - 9 vs 6 - 7), by the diameter of the first body annul (10 (10 µm - 12,5 µm vs 7 µm - 9 µm), by the shape of the submedian lobes and by the form of the anterior lip of tre vulva (presence of two points vs smooth).


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Doucet, M. E. Description of Criconemella multiannulata N. Sp. and observations on C. peruensiformis (De Grisse, 1967) Luc & Raski, 1981 (Criconematida Tylenchida). AgriScientia, 3(1), 17–27.


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