The average water balance of Manfredi (Cordoba, Argentina)

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A. R. Rodríguez
R. J. Novo
J. C. Cañadell
J. C. Avaltroni


The average water balance was based on data of temperature and rainfall recorded in the Agricultural Experimental Station of Manfredi, during the 1934-1974 period. The Thornthwaite method was used to obtain the average monthly potential evapotranspiration. The following results were obtained: Two deficiency periods: April to September and December to February. Two periods without excess nor deficiency: March and October November - There were no periods with excess. Te averange water balance values differ considerably from the annual ones. The water balance serial of each year were obtained using the same data of temperature and rainfall as for the average water balance. The potential evapotranspiration was calculated for each month of the period, also using the Thornthwaite method. The frecuences of excess and deficiency were determined, as also the different soil moisture levels and their relationship with crops. With exception of October and March all the other months show deficiency frecuences superior to 50%, that means to say that the negative water balance predominates significantly over the positive balance.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, A. R., Novo, R. J., Cañadell, J. C., & Avaltroni, J. C. The average water balance of Manfredi (Cordoba, Argentina). AgriScientia, 2(1), 93–105.
Author Biographies

A. R. Rodríguez, Unversidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Climatología y Fenología Agrícolas

Ings. Prof. Tit. de la cátedra.

R. J. Novo, Unversidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Climatología y Fenología Agrícolas

Jefes de Trabajos Prácticos

J. C. Cañadell, Unversidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Climatología y Fenología Agrícolas

Jefes de Trabajos Prácticos

J. C. Avaltroni, Unversidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Climatología y Fenología Agrícolas

Jefes de Trabajos Prácticos


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