Selectivity of differents traps for insect capture. I. Scarabaeinae

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M. Brewer
B. Pepi
M. Limonti


We made a systematic sampling from 1971 until 1975. The traps employed were: net, glass trap, Barber and white light. They were placed on fields at the Manfredi Experimental Station of he Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), in Córdoba. The first contribution includes the Scarabaeidae's adult population curves species and/or genera. When the values were represented by 100 or more individuals, the graphics were done, otherwise they were mentionated in tables. With this sampling we are allowed to know what trap we will use for catching in gratest number a determinate insect species, according to the weather conditions at the sampling area and to the employed method. Aphodiinae. was the subfamily best represented relating to the number of individuals; Scarabaeinae. for the diversity of genera and species. Scanty genera were colecting only in Barber. The greatest number of specimens were gathered from October to February, coincident with periods of highes temperature, humidity and photoperiod. Thirteen species and genera trapped in Barber during winter demonstrate that the adults go from place to place over the field during this time of the year.


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Brewer, M., Pepi, B., & Limonti, M. Selectivity of differents traps for insect capture. I. Scarabaeinae. AgriScientia, 2(1), 17–40.
Author Biographies

M. Brewer, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales.

Dra. en Zoología, Prof. Titular de Entomología y Bióloga, jefe de Trabajos Prácticos respectivamente, de la Cátedra de Entomología de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

B. Pepi, Estación Experimental Agropecuario de Manfredi Córdoba

Ing. Agr. Técnico de la Estación Experimental Agropecuario de Manfredi Córdoba

M. Limonti, Estación Experimental Agropecuario de Manfredi Córdoba

Ing. Agr. Técnico de la Estación Experimental Agropecuario de Manfredi Córdoba


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