Chemical control of the grey rot of the vine -Botrytis cinerea Pers- in Colonia Caroya (Province of Córdoba)

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Sergio F. Nome
Jorge Oscar Toranzo
Darío Fischetti


Vine rotting in the Colonia Caroya area is a problem that has been worsening in recent years, to the extent that in some vineyards more than half of the grape is lost in a period of a few days before harvest. although the phytopathogenic agents that can cause rotting in grapes are numerous, it is considered that the main one is Botrytiscinerea Pers.


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Nome, S. F., Toranzo, J. O., & Fischetti, D. Chemical control of the grey rot of the vine -Botrytis cinerea Pers- in Colonia Caroya (Province of Córdoba). AgriScientia, 1(1).
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Author Biography

Sergio F. Nome, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Fitopatología

Ing. Agr., Profesor Titular y Biol., Auxiliar Docente.